

Bureau Veritas Certification launches new management system-based standard for the prevention and management of food loss and waste.


Around 17% of all food available at retail, food service and consumer level is lost or wasted each year– inefficiency that has economic, social and environmental impacts. Food loss and waste cost approximately USD 1 trillion per year in economic costs, USD 700 billion in environmental costs, and USD 900 billion in social costs** and exacerbates food insecurity and malnutrition. An estimated 8-10 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions are associated with food that is not consumed.

Reducing this food loss and waste is a “triple win.” First, farmers, companies and households can save money by reducing waste. Second, wasting less means feeding more. Finally, these reductions alleviate pressure on climate, water and land resources.


At the United Nations General Assembly in 2015, countries of the world formally adopted a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals** (SDGs) as part of the Post-2015 Development Agenda. SDG 12 seeks to “ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.” The third target under this goal (Target 12.3) calls for cutting global food waste in half per capita at the retail and consumer levels, and for reducing food loss along production and supply chains (including post-harvest losses), both by 2030.

SDG 12.3: “By 2030, halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses.”

The most essential action is to increase the efficiency of the entire food supply chain, which includes reducing the amount of wasted food.
Worldwide, efforts and initiatives are being developed and implemented to address food waste. The European Commission (EC) committed to achieve this SDG target in the European Circular Economy Action Plan, defining food waste as a priority (European Commission, 2015). Moreover, the EC amended the Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC (WFD) to oblige member states to monitor and report on food waste as a means to achieve waste reduction targets. It will also help the identification of relevant food waste streams to be valorized from a circular economy perspective (European Commission, 2018).


Bureau Veritas Food Waste Management System is an uncredited certification standard created by Bureau Veritas. The standard is based on a systems approach that demonstrates the management and prevention of food loss and waste.

    Any operator in the food supply chain: primary producers, food-processing companies, large distributors, wholesalers and points-of-sale, collective caterers, logistics companies, etc.
    Identification, management and quantification of loss and waste generated in each process along the production chain. The definition of the food waste prevention plan takes into consideration the priority hierarchy recommended by the FAO and the European Union. Results obtained are monitored.


The main stages of the certification process include:

  • Preliminary check (on request): gap analysis and assessment of the organization's level of compliance with the requirements
  • Documentary and certification verification: audit activities aim to verify system compliance with the requirements
  • Annual surveillance visits: carried out during the validity period of the certificate, they aim to monitor system maintenance and continuity of improvement
  • Certification renewal (upon expiration)


  • Optimize food production processes by minimizing risk of loss and waste
  • Reduce economic impact of food loss and waste
  • Support alignment with EU "Farm to Fork" strategy and with UN SDG12 to halve global food waste per capita by 203

download the whitepaper: food waste management system