Sherif Ramadan

Introducing: Sherif Ramadan 

Can you briefly explain your background?

I am a B. Sc. Mechanical Engineer, graduated from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Alexandria in 1997. I explored my career options once I graduated by working in different fields such as Manufacturing and Industrial HVAC installation, until I landed on the Oil and Gas construction Industry in early 2000 in particular the Quality field, where it came as my passion ever since.

Describe your role at BV?

I started my career in Bureau Veritas in 2007 as a Quality Inspector, where I was fortunate to have a completely different experience and exposure from my earlier construction background, while the latter has helped me to contribute greatly to add more value. In 2009 I started a managerial role as local operations in Charge where I was able to grow the business, win large contracts and build a strong team along the years. Currently I am appointed as Industry Operations Manager and in charge large contract with key national and international customers such as QatarEnergy, QatarEnergy LNG, McDermott, SAIPEM, China Oil Offshore Engineering Co. among others.

What’s your greatest professional achievement and your biggest challenge?

I consider my greatest professional achievement as any achievement that has added value and benefited the organization and the betterment of my team and their development.

I can consider the trust and confidence that I have built through my years of closely working with National Oil Companies such as QatarEnergy and international EPIC Contractors has contributed greatly to maintaining Bureau Veritas leadership in the market. Since 2013 Bureau Veritas Qatar has been awarded multi-million dollars contracts providing Third Party Certification and Inspection Services for onshore and offshore construction projects with major EPICs. In continuation of success, BV Qatar was awarded recently with two major contracts with leading offshore EPIC contractor.

Another achievement that I can classify as important as business wins, was to lead development program to mentor and promote team members to leadership positions in order to ensure business success and continuity. Program was initiated as a personal initiative in 2018. Currently BV Qatar Industry department has two project managers who were recently promoted, and who are now working to develop a new generation of future managers.

With my new role as Industry Operations Manager, my main challenge is to shift my efforts towards developing and enriching BV Qatar Industry portfolio by focusing on creating a culture towards sustainability and green energy transition approach in line with BV LEAP28 Vision.

In your daily work, how do you contribute to Shaping a World of Trust?

By leading through example under the principles of Independence, Impartiality, and Integrity, and ensuring those values become an inherent culture among the team, a strong bond is created with BV customers that are cemented with Confidence and Trust. By being aware - and share this awareness with the team members - about the environment protection and global endeavors to control Climate Change through Energy transition and decarbonization, and by emphasizing the role of BV as a partner to its customers and as broker of trust; I and every team member can contribute effectively to carrying the BV brand upward and forward and shaping a World of Trust.